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Einrichtungen >> Philosophische Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie (Phil) >> Department Anglistik/Amerikanistik und Romanistik >> Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik >>

Lehrstuhl für Amerikanistik, insbesondere Literaturwissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Kley)


American Drama: Stage & Screen [AE_HSADRM]

Karin Höpker
Hauptseminar, 2 SWS
Mo, 18:00 - 19:30, C 301
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Das HS Literature kann wie folgt verwendet werden:
  • L-GYM Englisch: "Hauptmodul L-Gym Literature"

  • BA English and American Studies: "Hauptmodul A Literature" mit begleitender Independent Study Group

  • BA American Studies: "Hauptmodul A Literature/Culture" mit begleitender Independent Study Group

  • MA North American Studies - Literature: 5, 8

  • MA North American Studies - Culture: 4, 7

  • MA The Americas/Las Américas: Modul 4

  • MA English Studies: "Freie Ergänzungsstudien/Wild Card": Wie Aufbaumodul, mit begleitendem Kurs

This course focuses on the close interrelation of stage and screen that informs US American dramatic production since the late 1940s. It provides an overview of American literary tradition throughout the 20th and 21st century and tracks its transatlantic aesthetic history. Students will explore the intertextuality and specific medialities of stage and screen production. How does dramatic form change when adapted for the screen, and how is filmic form impacted by dramatic material written for stage productions? How did Hollywood adaptations change percepts of dramatic performance, and how did the fluctuation of authors between stage and screen leave its mark? And to what extent do stage-on-screen productions or films set in theatrical contexts such as J. Mankiewicz’s All About Eve (1950) or Alejandro G. Iñárritu’s Birdman (2014) address issues of mediality?
Class reading and viewing ranges from Tennessee Williams’ classics Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and A Streetcar Named Desire, Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, and the readaptation of Lillian Hellman’s The Children’s Hour(1961) to Woody Allen’s recent reengagement with theater and classical Hollywood in films such as Blue Jasmine (2013) and Wonder Wheel (2017). Texts such as Walter Benjamin’s Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit, Peter Szondi’s Theorie des modernen Dramas, and Susan Sontag’s “Film and Theater“ will provide a theoretical framework for discussion.
Empfohlene Literatur:
A preliminary syllabus and reading/viewing list will be made available on StudOn.


AS Literature [AE_ASLIT8]

Karin Höpker
Aufbauseminar, 2 SWS, LAFV, LAFN, Bachelor
Di, 18:00 - 19:30, C 301
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Das Aufbauseminar Literature gehört in folgenden Studiengängen jeweils zu folgenden Modulen:
  • BA English and American Studies (neu): Basismodul III Literature

  • Lehramt Englisch an Gymnasien (neu): Basismodul III Literature

keine Zulassungsvoraussetzung; empfohlen nach dem Besuch des Grundseminars Literature

Building on the Grundseminar Literature, this class will introduce students to basic concepts of literary theory and provide a historical survey over its rise, developments, and controversies. We will discuss various approaches in depth and investigate how they impact our understanding of literature and our reading of primary texts.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Please make sure to acquire a copy of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (Penguin), which you need to have read by the first week of the semester, as well as a copy of Lois Tyson's Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide (Routledge), which we will read and discuss throughout the semester.


Dangerous Reading [AE_PSDNGR]

Maria Kaspirek
Proseminar, 2 SWS, Gender und Diversity, LAFV, LAFN, Bachelor
Mi, 16:15 - 17:45, KH 1.013
Einzeltermine am 9.5.2018, 30.5.2018, 6.6.2018, 16:15 - 20:00, KH 1.013
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Diese Veranstaltung findet in der Regel wöchentlich, an einigen Tagen jedoch geblockt, statt. Die Blocktermine sind für den 9.5.2018, 30.5.2018 und 6.6.2018 (s.o.; jeweils 16-20 Uhr) festgelegt. Ausfallen werden folgende Termine: 27. Juni 2018, 4. Juli 2018, 11. Juli 2018.

Das PS Literature kann wie folgt verwendet werden:

  • L-UF Englisch (neu): "Zwischenmodul Literature" (Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Elementarmodul Literature)

  • L-GYM Englisch (neu): "Zwischenmodul Literature" (Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Basismodul Literature)

  • BA English and American Studies (neu): "Zwischenmodul II Literature" (Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Zwischenmodul I: Thematisches Kombinationsseminar)

  • BA American Studies: "Zwischenmodul II Economics, Linguistics, History, Geography, Literature/Culture - Veranstaltung mit Nordamerika-Bezug"

From the 18th century onwards, advanced printing techniques and a growing literacy revolutionized the literary market in Europe and America. However, the rise of the novel and its predominantly female readership attracted the attention of critics – politicians, physicians, reformers, writers – who identified the “lesesucht” or “novel mania” as a phenomenon threatening social order and morality. Focusing on the US, this course will trace the debate on immoral and dangerous books and readers from the 18th to the late 19th century.
What was regarded as “good” (useful, appropriate) reading and what counted as “bad” (immoral) reading? Why was “novel reading” especially dangerous for women? Which genres were the most divisive ones? How were American writing and reading habits viewed as corrupted by European influences? We will look at some novels classified as dangerous, discuss the criticism surrounding them, and put them in a broader social context.


ISG zu American Drama [AE_UEADRM]

Karin Höpker
Übung, 1 SWS
Di, 9:00 - 9:45, C 603
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Die Independent Study Group (BA) kann wie folgt verwendet werden:
BA English and American Studies (neu): "Hauptmodul A" (Zulassungsvoraussetzung Zwischenmodul II)


KS Historicity [AE_KSHIST]

Christian Krug, Michael Klotz
Kombiseminar, 4 SWS
Di, 14:15 - 15:45, 16:00 - 17:30, C 303
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Das Kombiseminar gehört zu folgendem Modul:
  • BA English and American Studies (neu): Zwischenmodul I: Thematisches Kombiseminar

Zulassungsvoraussetzung: bestandene GOP
Scheinerwerb: mündliche Prüfung

The course will focus on the language as well as the literature and culture of Renaissance England. Focusing on the state of the English language in Shakespeare's day, the linguistic part of the course will explore the development of the English language from its beginnings in the early Middle Ages to the present day. How did English sound around the year 1600, how did it differ grammatically and lexically from present day English? The emergence of standard English will be a recurrent theme throughout the course. The literary and cultural part will focus on Shakespearean plays and poems, including their production and consumption.


KS Linguistic Variety and Cultural Difference [AE_KSLVCD]

Karin Höpker, Brigitta Mittmann
Kombiseminar, 4 SWS
Di, 16:15 - 17:45, A 603 (Bismarckstr. 1)
Mo, 8:15 - 9:45, C 303
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Das Kombiseminar gehört zu folgendem Modul:
  • BA English and American Studies (neu): Zwischenmodul I: Thematisches Kombiseminar

Zulassungsvoraussetzung: bestandene GOP
Scheinerwerb: mündliche Prüfung

The linguistic part of this course provides an introduction to varieties of English, focussing on regional and social variation in the UK and the US. Topics include methods of dialectology, speech communities and social networks, language variation and gender, bi- and multilingualism, diglossia, code-switching, language change, attitudes to language variation, and language and power.
The literary and cultural studies part provides an introduction to concepts and categories of (cultural) difference such as race, gender, sexuality and class. Constructions of difference will be analyzed in the realm of cultural production including literature, film, and popular culture.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Study materials will be made available on StudOn.
Please acquire and read in advance: Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Penguin.


Lektüreseminar Literature [AE_SELIT]

Loredana Filip
Seminar, 2 SWS
Do, 10:15 - 11:45, C 303
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Der Lektürekurs Literature kann wie folgt verwendet werden:
  • Lehramt Englisch an Grund-, Haupt- und Realschulen (neu): Elementarmodul L-UF Literature.

Zulassungsvoraussetzung ist der erfolgreiche Besuch des Grundseminares Literature (bestandene Klausur). Der Leistungsnachweis erfolgt in einer 60-minütigen Klausur zum Semesterende (Modulteilprüfung).

Ziel der Lehrveranstaltung ist die Einübung und Vertiefung der im Grundseminar erworbenen literaturwissenschaftlichen Analysekategorien und -verfahren an exemplarischen Texten der englischen und der amerikanischen Literatur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts sowie die Vermittlung eines literaturhistorischen Überblickwissens zum genannten Zeitraum.


Research Colloquium American Studies

Antje Kley, Karin Höpker
Kolloquium, 2 SWS, nur Fachstudium
Di, 10:15 - 11:45, C 603
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
The colloquium offers doctoral students in American Studies the opportunity to present their work and to discuss texts, other cultural artifacts and scholarship more generally. It also provides a forum for guest lectures on current topics in American Literary and Cultural Studies. Please sign up personally with Antje Kley.

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