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Complex Security Challenges in International Relations: Working with the Enlarged Concept of Security and beyond

Dr. Alexander Niedermeier

4 SWS, Sprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Do 12:15 - 13:45, KH 1.013; Mi 12:15 - 13:45, 00.6 PSG

Significant changes are detectable in the character of international relations as such as well as in the way IR-issues are perceived and thus addressed. In particular, the notion of security has changed and expanded. First and foremost the complexity and interrelatedness of security issues is increasingly becoming salient. An important step in conceptualizing the multidimensionality of security has already been realized by differentiating national security into dimensions such as human-, societal- and regime security, as well as by identifying particular aspects such as financial-, food-, environmental- or energy security. However important this specification is, the next step to be addressed is the detection of “security issue complexes”. With this term, the fusion of security dimensions and security aspects into one analytical lens in order to enhance our ability of identifying the foundation of global and regional security challenges is meant. In this Master level seminar we are attempting to work out which specific security dimensions and aspects are involved in a security issue complex and what the respective specific interrelatedness looks like. By better understanding the effects of this multidimensionality of security challenges we furthermore will try to develop suitable remedies. The first part of the seminar will consist of a review of theories, concepts and analytic approaches of International Relations and International Security Studies. The second part will focus on particular means of dealing with security issues and the interplay of powers such as hard power (e.g. deterrence, intervention, war), soft power (e.g. diplomacy), legal power (e.g. international law), public power (e.g. civil society) and secret power (e.g. intelligence, surveillance). On this foundation we then will highlight the meaning and significance of security issue complexes by discussing four examples of particular importance: In this context we will first address “State and Non-State Proliferation Threats to Security” and look particularly into the roles played by weak/failed states, totalitarianism and ideology. As second example we will deal with “The Clash of Fundamentalism and (Post-) Modernity”, including challenges like politicized religion, international terrorism and the particular risks for areas like critical infrastructures and cyberspace. Thirdly we will address the issue complex of “Climate, Energy, Resources & Crisis Commodities”, setting a particular focus on resource conflicts and polar as well as maritime security. Our fourth example approaches the issue of “Global Public Health and Natural Disasters”. Participants in the seminar will be confronted with a large array of security challenges and both theoretical and practical approaches of how to deal with them. This means intensive individual and group-based reading assignments, short presentations, brief response papers, quizzes, a mid-term exam and a substantial final paper.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Für diese Lehrveranstaltung ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich.
Die Anmeldung erfolgt über: persönlich beim Dozenten

Institution: Institut für Politische Wissenschaft
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