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Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching (SecLangAcqLangTeach) (Prüfungsordnungsmodul)10 ECTS
(englische Bezeichnung: Second language acquisition and language teaching)

Stand der importierten Daten ("mein campus"-Datenabzug): 31.10.2016 11:54

Dauer:1 SemesterTurnus:jährlich (WS)Sprache:Englisch
POS-pordnr:41718Prüfungsnummer:8490Eigene Seite im Modulhandbuch:nein


Advanced Seminar:

This module relates the findings of second language (L2) acquisition research to the foreign language classroom. The following questions will be discussed:

  • Which strategies do L2 learners typically follow when they ac-quire the sound system, vocabulary, and grammar of a second language?

  • How do factors such as age, gender, motivation, language use, and input affect the process of L2 acquisition?

  • To what extent do different L2 acquisition theories make predic-tions that are relevant to foreign language teaching?

  • Which learning environments help students in a foreign language classroom to reach a high level of L2 proficiency?

Course (Übung): Participants will analyse different types of L2 learner data, relate these data to the predictions of L2 acquisition theories and identify possible causes of learner errors. In addition, students will be introduced to re-search methods in L2 acquisition.

Lernziele und Kompetenzen:

The aim of this module is for students to

  • gain insights into current and ongoing research in the fields of second language acquisition and foreign language teaching

  • become familiar with key texts of the two fields and learn how to read difficult and complex academic literature

  • apply linguistic analyses to second language learner data

  • deepen their understanding of quantitative and qualitative re-search methods

  • develop the ability to identify and interpret learner errors

  • develop strategies to help foreign language students reach a high level of L2 proficiency

  • interpret second language learner data in terms of predictions made by different theories of language acquisition.


Reading lists vary; texts are available via StudOn and/or the seminar library.


Assessment and examinations: Written assignment (approx. 15 pages) or written examination (60–90 min.)

Frequency of offer: Every second semester (Winter Term)

Zuordnung zu Studiengängen, Validierung, Einpassung in die Musterstudienpläne:

English Studies (Master of Arts) (für Validierung verantwortlich)Prüfungsordnungsversion 2012:
Prüfungsordnungsversion 2016w:
Linguistik (Master of Arts) (für Validierung verantwortlich)Prüfungsordnungsversion 2010:

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls / Einpassung in den Musterstudienplan:

  1. English Studies (Master of Arts)
    (Po-Vers. 2012 | PhilFak | English Studies (Master of Arts) | Schwerpunkt Linguistics and Applied Linguistics | Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching)
  2. English Studies (Master of Arts)
    (Po-Vers. 2012 | PhilFak | English Studies (Master of Arts) | ohne Schwerpunkt | mindestens 30 ECTS aus Linguistics and Applied Linguistics | Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching)
  3. English Studies (Master of Arts)
    (Po-Vers. 2016w | PhilFak | English Studies (Master of Arts) | Masterprüfung | Schwerpunkt Culture and Literature | Freie Ergänzungsstudien/Wild Card | Modul aus dem Wahlpflichtbereich des MA English Studies: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics | Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching)
  4. English Studies (Master of Arts)
    (Po-Vers. 2016w | PhilFak | English Studies (Master of Arts) | Masterprüfung | Schwerpunkt Linguistics and Applied Linguistics | Mind. drei Wahlpflichtfächer mit Hausarbeiten | Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching)
  5. English Studies (Master of Arts)
    (Po-Vers. 2016w | PhilFak | English Studies (Master of Arts) | Masterprüfung | ohne Schwerpunkt | mindestens 30 ECTS aus Linguistics and Applied Linguistics | Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching)
  6. English Studies (Master of Arts)
    (Po-Vers. 2016w | PhilFak | English Studies (Master of Arts) | Masterprüfung | ohne Schwerpunkt | Freie Ergänzungsstudien/Wild Card | Modul aus dem Wahlpflichtbereich des MA English Studies: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics | Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching)
  7. English Studies (Master of Arts)
    (Po-Vers. 2016w | PhilFak | English Studies (Master of Arts) | Masterprüfung | ohne Schwerpunkt | Mind. zwei Wahlpflichtfächer mit Hausarbeiten | Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching)
  8. Linguistik (Master of Arts)
    (Po-Vers. 2010 | PhilFak | Linguistik (Master of Arts) | Masterprüfung | Wahlpflichtmodul 2. Fachsemester | Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching)


    Hausarbeit zu Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching (Prüfungsnummer: 84901)
    (englische Bezeichnung: Written assignment: First language acquisition and language teaching)
    Prüfungsleistung, Hausarbeit, Drittelnoten (mit 4,3), 10 Leistungspunkte
    pordnr: 41736, pmaxver: 3, pmaxvbe: 1
    Schriftliche Abschlussprüfung zu Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching (Prüfungsnummer: 84902)
    (englische Bezeichnung: Final written examination: First language acquisition and language teaching)
    Prüfungsleistung, schriftlich, Drittelnoten (mit 4,3), 10 Leistungspunkte
    pordnr: 41737, pmaxver: 3, pmaxvbe: 1


UnivIS-Module im aktuellen Semester (WS 2016/2017):
UnivIS ist ein Produkt der Config eG, Buckenhof