2 nd Semester: Specialized Courses
Module 4: Non - Discrimination
Interdisciplinary Seminar on Non-Discrimination
MAS; Mi, 14:15 - 15:45, KH 1.021; Einzeltermin am 24.6.2015, 10:15 - 11:45, 00.012
Bielefeldt, H.
Krennerich, M.
Krajewski, M.
Module 6: Human Rights and International Economic Law
Human Rights and International Economoic Law
MAS; Einzeltermine am 5.6.2015, 9:15 - 15:45, 00.14 PSG; 19.6.2015, 9:15 - 15:45, 00.6 PSG
Kanalan, I.
Human Rights and International Economic Law
VORL; 2 SWS; Einzeltermine am 13.5.2015, 10:00 - 14:00, JDC R 1.161; 15.5.2015, 18.5.2015, 9:00 - 16:00, JDC R 1.161; 5.6.2015, 19.6.2015, 9:00 - 16:00, Raum n.V.
Krajewski, M.
Kanalan, I.
Module 7: Freedom of Religion and Belief
Freedom of Religion and Belief
MAS; Di, 14:15 - 15:45, KH 1.021
Bielefeldt, H.
Module 8: Ge nder and Human Rights
Gender and Human Rights
MAS; Di, 10:15 - 11:45, 00.012; Einzeltermine am 9.6.2015, 11:45 - 13:45, 00.012; 2.7.2015, 14:15 - 15:45, 00.012; 10.7.2015, 9:15 - 12:45, 00.011; 16.7.2015, 14:15 - 17:45, 00.012
Leicht, I.
Module 11: Human Rights of Refugees
Human Rights of Refugees
VORL; Einzeltermin am 29.4.2015, 16:15 - 17:45, 00.6 PSG
Straub, Th.
Bendel, P.
Human Rights of Refugees
SEM; Einzeltermin am 26.6.2015, 9:00 - 11:00, 00.012; Klausur
Bendel, P.
Straub, Th.