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Advanced electrochemistry – from fundamentals to applications (EChem)5 ECTS
(englische Bezeichnung: Advanced electrochemistry – from fundamentals to applications)

Modulverantwortliche/r: Karl J. J. Mayrhofer
Lehrende: Karl J. J. Mayrhofer


Einfrieren der UnivIS-Modul-Beschreibung: 16.8.2018
Wahlpflichtmodule Nachhaltige Chemische Technologien (58169) Wahlpflichtmodule Chemische Reaktionstechnik (58194) Wahlpflichtmodule Energieverfahrenstechnik (58200) Wahlpflichtmodule Chemische Reaktionstechnik (58202) Wahlpflichtmodule Nachhaltige Chemische Technologien (82585) Wahlpflichtmodule Chemische Reaktionstechnik (82590) Wahlpflichtmodule Energieverfahrenstechnik (82602) Advanced electrochemistry - from fundamentals to applications (97174)

Startsemester: WS 2018/2019Dauer: 1 SemesterTurnus: jährlich (WS)
Präsenzzeit: 45 Std.Eigenstudium: 105 Std.Sprache: Englisch



The lecture, Übung and Praktikum advanced electrochemistry provides a fundamental insight into electrochemical systems and discuss advanced electrochemical methods. Based on this knowledge, students will be able to understand electrochemical problems, suggest methods to solve them and understand the background of many practical electrochemical systems and applications, required for the understanding of electrochemical reactor technology. They will also get an insight into the fundamental research problems of modern electrochemistry. In the Übung practical electrochemical systems will be discussed that are either already of great economic importance or will become crucial in future applications. In this part of the course students will gain knowledge on the most relevant applied electrochemical research topics, will have a clear view on the versatility of electrochemical devices and have an understanding of electrochemistry based energy systems and their potential. Several technologies of importance in energy conversion systems and the production of added-value chemicals like electrolysers, fuel cells, flow batteries, supercapacitors, chloralkali process, organic electrosynthesis, aluminum production, but also corrosion, metal deposition, ectroanalysis, electrochemical sensors, lithography galvoforming, semiconductors, information storage, bioelectrochemistry, photoelectrochemistry, conducting polymers, will be discussed.

Setup of the lecture:

  • Electrochemical thermodynamics (5 lectures)introduction (scope and role of electrochemistry, short history), electrochemical potentials, Nernst-equation, electrodes, conductance, transference number, mobility, solvation of ions, the Born-equation, Debye-Hückel theory, junction potentials, ion selective electrodes (concept of pH, the glass electrode, other ion selective electrodes), transport phenomena, electrifiedinterfaces: double layer theories, adsorption (adsorption isotherms), surface excesses,electrocapillary equation, electrokinetic properties

  • Electrochemical kinetics (3 lectures)Tafel-equation, Butler-Volmer equation, theories of electron transfer, transition state theory, introduction to electrocatalysis (single crystals), rate-coverage relations

  • Electrochemical methods (7 lectures)electrochemical cells/reactors, electrochemical instrumentation, potential step methods, potential sweep methods, galvanostatic methods, stripping analysis, hydrodynamic methods (RDE,RRDE), impedance (1 lecture), scanning techniques (electrochemical STM, SECM, SFC, AFM …), electrochemistry coupled with spectroscopic techniques (in situ spectroelectrochemical techniques: UV-VIS, IR, X-ray, Raman etc), mass spectrometry, EQCM etc; intro to the second semester courses

Lernziele und Kompetenzen:


  • understand the thermodynamic and kinetic fundamentals of electrochemical processes

  • know of modern electrochemical methods and their application

  • critically read electrochemical literature

  • understand the principles of various electrochemical technologies

  • discuss electrochemical energy conversion approaches and their future potential

  • critically assess the current issues of implementation

  • understand the importance of electrochemical technologies in various fields


  • Electrochemical methods: fundamentals and applications by A. J. Bard, L. R. Faulkner, 2nd ed., Wiley, 2000
  • Elektrochemie by C. H. Hamann, W. Vielstich, 4th ed., Wiley, 2005

  • Electrochemistry – Principles, Methods, and Applications by C. M. A. Brett und A. M. O. Brett. Oxford University Press, 1993

  • Electrode kinetics for chemists, chemical engineers, and materials scientists by E. Gileadi, Wiley-VCH, 1993

  • Industrial Electrochemistry by D. Pletcher, F.C. Walsh, 2nd ed., Springer, 1990

  • Electrochemical Engineering: Science and Technology in Chemical and Other Industries by H. Wendt, G. Kreysa, Springer, 2013

  • Fundamentals of Electrochemistry by V. S. Bagotsky, 2nd ed., Wiley,s2005


Advanced electrochemistry – from fundamentals to applications (Prüfungsnummer: 83901)

(englischer Titel: Advanced electrochemistry – from fundamentals to applications)

zugeh. "mein campus"-Prüfung: 
  • 83901 Written or oral exam: Advanced electrochemistry - from fundamentals to applications (Chemical Engineering - Nachhaltige Chemische Technologien (Master of Science) 2014s, Prüfung, Form: schriftlich oder mündlich, Drittelnoten (mit 4,3), Dauer: -, 5.0 ECTS, Prüfung).
  • 17301 Wahlpflichtmodul Nachhaltige Chemische Technologien (Chemical Engineering - Nachhaltige Chemische Technologien (Master of Science) 2015w, Prüfung, Form: schriftlich oder mündlich, Drittelnoten (mit 4,3), Dauer: -, 5.0 ECTS, Platzhalter).
  • 17751 Wahlpflichtmodul Chemische Reaktionstechnik (Chemical Engineering - Nachhaltige Chemische Technologien (Master of Science) 2015w, Prüfung, Form: schriftlich oder mündlich, Drittelnoten (mit 4,3), Dauer: -, 5.0 ECTS, Platzhalter).
  • 18351 Wahlpflichtmodul Energieverfahrenstechnik (Chemical Engineering - Nachhaltige Chemische Technologien (Master of Science) 2015w, Prüfung, Form: schriftlich oder mündlich, Drittelnoten (mit 4,3), Dauer: -, 5.0 ECTS, Platzhalter).
  • 17301 Wahlpflichtmodul Nachhaltige Chemische Technologien (Chemical Engineering - Nachhaltige Chemische Technologien (Master of Science) 2014s, Prüfung, Form: schriftlich oder mündlich, Drittelnoten (mit 4,3), Dauer: -, 5.0 ECTS, Platzhalter).
  • 18551 Wahlpflichtmodul B Chemische Reaktionstechnik (Chemical Engineering - Nachhaltige Chemische Technologien (Master of Science) 2014s, Prüfung, Form: schriftlich oder mündlich, Drittelnoten (mit 4,3), Dauer: -, 5.0 ECTS, Platzhalter).
  • 17751 Wahlpflichtmodul C/D Chemische Reaktionstechnik (Chemical Engineering - Nachhaltige Chemische Technologien (Master of Science) 2014s, Prüfung, Form: schriftlich oder mündlich, Drittelnoten (mit 4,3), Dauer: -, 5.0 ECTS, Platzhalter).
  • 18351 Wahlpflichtmodul Energieverfahrenstechnik (Chemical Engineering - Nachhaltige Chemische Technologien (Master of Science) 2014s, Prüfung, Form: schriftlich oder mündlich, Drittelnoten (mit 4,3), Dauer: -, 5.0 ECTS, Platzhalter).
Prüfungsleistung, mündliche Prüfung, Dauer (in Minuten): 30, benotet
Anteil an der Berechnung der Modulnote: 100.0 %

Erstablegung: WS 2018/2019, 1. Wdh.: SS 2019
1. Prüfer: Karl J. J. Mayrhofer (100390)

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