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Vorlesungs- und Modulverzeichnis nach Studiengängen






Basics in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 1+2: Mechanical and Optical Properties, Nanoscale Surface Characterization and Structures (Basics Nano 1+2)5 ECTS
(englische Bezeichnung: Basics in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 1+2: Mechanical and Optical Properties, Nanoscale Surface Characterization and Structures)
(Prüfungsordnungsmodul: Allgemeine Fächer IV (Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology))

Modulverantwortliche/r: Mathias Göken
Lehrende: Peter Felfer, Nicolas Vogel, Volker Altstädt, Manuela Killian, Patrik Schmuki

Startsemester: WS 2018/2019Dauer: 2 SemesterTurnus: halbjährlich (WS+SS)
Präsenzzeit: 60 Std.Eigenstudium: 90 Std.Sprache: Englisch



Prof. Göken / Prof. Felfer • general Introduction to Nanotechnology: • properties of Nanomaterials (magnetic, mechanical . . . ): • production of nanomaterials: Sol-Gel technique, severe plastic deformation • mechanical properties of materials and size-effects in mechanics • characterization of Nanomaterials, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Focused Ion Beam, Scanning Tunneling Microscope, Atom Probe Microscopy Prof. Vogel: • general introduction of nanoparticulate systems and their applications • introduction to size-dependent physical properties of dielectric, metallic and semiconducting nanoparticles: light scattering, plasmonic properties, size-dependent emission properties and magnetism • collective effects and properties of nanoparticle thin films: structural color and tailored emission properties Prof. Altstädt: (Reinforced plastics I + II) • introduction to reinforced plastics • manufacturing and applications of fibre reinforced polymers and market • comparison with metals • components of reinforces plastics: Fibre, Matrix, Interphase • fibre: glas, carbon, aramide: manufacturing and properties • matrix: thermoplastic and thermosets: properties and applications • interphase: Load transmission • influence of fibre length • calculation: modulus and strength Nanoscale Surface Characterization and Structures: • surface Analysis • contact angle measurements • AFM/STM • SEM/AES • XPS/UPS • ToF-SIMS/LEIS • XRD and diffraction methods • SFG and optical methods • surface modification • generation of 0D-nanostructures (dendrimer encapsulated growth, arrested precipitation, micelles) • generation of 1D-nanostructures (VLS mechanism, template assisted, CVD) • generation of 2D-nanostructures (anodic growth, block-copolymers, mechanically assisted, superlattice structures) • UHV technique • scientific problem training

Lernziele und Kompetenzen:

Basics in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 1: Students who successfully participate in this module can • describe fabrication methods to produce nanomaterials • understand fundamental structure-function relationships of nanostructured materials • understand the concept behind fibre reinforced composite materials and identify the influence of the individual components in such materials • identify the potential of polymer composites in applications • identify established, new and upcoming applications of nanoparticles • explain the physical origin and applicability of nanoscale effects including quantum confinement, surface plasmon resonance and superparamagnetism • differentiate between single particle effects and collective effects (e.g. photonic bandgaps) • identify suitable characterisation techniques for determining the electronic, magnetic and optical properties of nanoparticles • decide which combination of surface analytical tools to use for specific scientific questions • demonstrate knowledge about the working principles of surface analysis techniques • describe limitations and strengths of common surface analysis techniques • generate nanostructures of different dimensions


Prof. Göken/Felfer: • Nanoscale Science and Technology, R. Kelsall, I Hamley, M. Georghegan, Wiley 2005 Prof. Altstädt: • Faserverbund-KunststoffeG. W. Ehrenstein, Carl Hanser Verlag (2006), ISBN 3-446-22716-4 • Faserverbundbauweise (4 Bände)M. Flemming, G. Ziegmann, S. Roth, Springer Verlag (1999), ISBN 3-540-58645-6 • Handbuch Verbundwerkstoffe M. Neizel, U. Breuer, Carl Hanser Verlag (2004), ISBN 3-446-22041-0 • Analysis and performance of fiber composites B. D. Agarwal, L. J. Broutman, John Wilwy & Sons (1990), ISBN 0-471-51152-8 • An introduction to composite materialsD. Hull, Cambridge University Press (1981), ISBN 0-521-23991-5 • Dimensionieren mit FaserverbundwerkstoffenW. Michaeli, D. Huybrechts, M. Wegener, Carl Hanser Verlag (1995), ISBN 3-446-17659-4 • Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, H.J. Butt, Wiley-VCH Nanoscale Surface Characterization and Structures: • S.N. Magonov, M.-H. Whangbo, Surface Analysis with STM and AFM • G.I. Goldstein, D.E. Newbury, et al., Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis • D. Briggs, M.P. Seah, Practical Surface Analysis • Vickerman, J.C., Briggs, D.,ToF-SIMS : Surface Analysis by Mass Spectrometry. • B.E. Warren, X-ray Diffraction Further recommended reading will be announced in the lectures.

Weitere Informationen:

Schlüsselwörter: Elitestudiengang "Advanced Materials and Processes" (MAP)
www: https://www.map.tf.fau.de/

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls / Einpassung in den Musterstudienplan:

  1. Advanced Materials and Processes (Master of Science)
    (Po-Vers. 2017w | TechFak | Advanced Materials and Processes (Master of Science) | Pflichtmodule | Allgemeine Fächer IV (Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology))


Basics in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 1+2: Mechanical and Optical Properties, Nanoscale Surface Characterization and Structures (Prüfungsnummer: 1766)

(englischer Titel: Basics in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 1+2: Mechanical and Optical Properties, Nanoscale Surface Characterization and Structures)

zugeh. "mein campus"-Prüfung: 
  • 1766 Basics in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 1+2: Mechanical and Optical Properties, Nanoscale Surface Characterization and Structures (Gewichtung: 100.0 %, Prüfung, Form: Klausur, Drittelnoten (mit 4,3), Dauer: 120, 5 ECTS, Prüfung).
Prüfungsleistung, Klausur, Dauer (in Minuten): 120, benotet, 5 ECTS
Anteil an der Berechnung der Modulnote: 100.0 %
Prüfungssprache: Englisch

Erstablegung: SS 2019, 1. Wdh.: WS 2019/2020
1. Prüfer: Peter Felfer (100563)
Termin: 13.02.2019, 10:00 Uhr, Ort: 1.84 (WW5)
Termin: 09.08.2019, 10:00 Uhr, Ort: Seminarraum 1.84, Martensstrasse 7
Termin: 21.02.2020, 10:00 Uhr, Ort: 1.84, Martensstrasse 7

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