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Einrichtungen >> Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät (Nat) >> Department Physik >> Institut für Optik, Information und Photonik >> Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik >>
Advanced Quantum Information Research (ACQUIRE)

The quantum nature of light sets a limit to the reliability of optical signal generation and processing if standard light sources and devices are used. An appropriate engineering of the quantum noise allows the minimisation of its effect on an information-carrying signal. Moreover, making full use of the quantum properties of light permits the design of novel optical devices.
The primary aim of this project is to realise noiseless and ultra-low threshold optical components for improved optical information processing, transmission, display and storage, by exploiting the principles of quantum optics and electronics. The objectives can be broken down into two main categories, which address the implementation of noise-free couplers and amplifiers, and noise-free and high efficiency sources of light.
a) Compact and integrated/fibre noise-free optical amplifiers and optical taps, with performances beyond the usual shot noise limit.
b) Compact and integrated/fibre parametric and harmonic light generators, semiconductor lasers and microlasers, where the efficiency and noise will be optimised as far as allowed by the basic quantum limits. Special emphasis will be put on light emitting microcavity devices, whose operation is controlled by purely quantum principles.
Prof. Dr. Gerd Leuchs

Priv.-Doz. Andreas Sizmann, Dr. Stefan Spälter, Dr. Friedrich König, Priv. Doz. Dr. Natalia Korolkova

Laufzeit: 1.1.1996 - 31.12.1999

Commission of European Communities

Sizmann, Andreas ; Leuchs, Gerd: The Optical Kerr Effect and Quantum Optics in Fibres. In: Progress in Optics 39 (1999), S. 369-465
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