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  Cognitive Grammar

Peter Uhrig

Zeit und Ort: Do 16:15 - 17:45, C 301

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Das Oberseminar Linguistics gehört in folgenden Studiengängen jeweils zufolgenden Modulen:
BA English and American Studies: Hauptmodul B (auf Anfrage!) Lehramt Englisch an Gymnasien: Optionsmodul MA English Studies: Modul [eintragen] MA Linguistik: Modul 2/2 (Teil 2) sowie 3/2

The Oberseminar allows students preparing for a BA/MA thesis or a Zulassungsarbeit to present their own research for discussion.
All other sessions will be on Cognitive Grammar this semster. To set the stage, we can quote the first three sentences from the textbook used in this class:"Our topic is the linguistic theory known as Cognitive Grammar. This framework offers a comprehensive yet coherent view of language structure, with the further advantages (I would argue) of being intuitively natural, psychologically plausible, and empirically viable. It is nonetheless a decidedly nonstandard view for which orthodox training in linguistics gives little preparation." (Langacker 2008: 3) Cognitive Grammar thus is a model of language that focuses on the way individuals speak and write and not on language as an abstract entity. When the model was first introduced by Langacker in 1987, many of its theoretical positions were revolutionary in the context of the prevailing generative mindset. In the meantime, many of his ideas have become almost mainstream and were taken up in theories such as Construction Grammar. The thorough treatment of language structure Langacker gives in his two-volume Cognitive Grammar however made the model hardly accessible to students. The publication of a textbook on the subject by Langacker himself in 2008 remedies this issue and will allow us to cover the foundations of the model in the course of one semester. Participants are expected to carefully work through the weekly reading assignments, which will take some time.

Empfohlene Literatur
Required reading: Langacker, Ronald W. 2008. Cognitive Grammar - A Basic Introduction. New York: OUP.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Verwendung in folgenden UnivIS-Modulen
Startsemester WS 2016/2017:
Research Module (Module 6AB)

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Anglistik, insbesondere Linguistik
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