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Advanced experimental physics: Particle and astroparticle physics (EV-B)10 ECTS
(englische Bezeichnung: Advanced experimental physics: Particle and astroparticle physics)

Modulverantwortliche/r: Dozenten der Kern-/Teilchenphysik, Christopher van Eldik
Lehrende: Christopher van Eldik

Start semester: SS 2020Duration: 1 semesterCycle: jährlich (SS)
Präsenzzeit: 105 Std.Eigenstudium: 195 Std.Language: Englisch




  • Introduction

Interactions and exchange bosons, Feynman diagrams; relativistic kinematics with four- vectors

  • Covariant description of spin-less particles

Free particles, spatial probability density, charge current density, equation of continuity; Klein-Gordon equation: Solutions for free particles, energy eigenvalues, interpretation by Feynman and Stückelberg; scattering on a static potential: Perturbative approach, transition matrix element, Fermi’s Golden Rule

  • Electrodynamics of spin-1/2 particles

Maxwell equations in covariant notation; Dirac equation (free particles, gamma matrices, spin, anti-particles, helicity, charge current density, equation of continuity); electron- muon scattering: Current-current interaction, photon propagator, Feynman rules, helicity conservation, spin averaging (without explicit calculation), differential cross section; electron-positron annihilation to muons or quarks, hadron/muon ratio R; decay width and its relation to matrix element and phase space factor; higher orders: Anomalous magnetic moment (g-2), charge renormalisation, running coupling constant

  • Weak interactions

Charged current: (V-A) structure and parity violation, propagator, Fermi constant, quark mixing: Cabibbo angle, CKM matrix, its complex phase and CP violation, direct and indirect CP violation; massive neutrinos; Oscillations, PMNS matrix, oscillation phenomenology of solar, atmospheric and reactor neutrinos

  • Neutral currents and electroweak unification

Weak isospin and hypercharge, SU(2)xU(1); electroweak coupling: Weinberg angle, Z- fermion-couplings

  • Gauge theories and Higgs mechanism

Euler-Lagrange equation, global gauge invariance and current conservation: local gauge invariance and QED: Mass and interaction terms, photon field, spontaneous U(1) symmetry breaking; Higgs mechanism for U(1): Gauge freedom, Higgs mass and interaction terms, masses of U(1)xSU(2) gauge bosons (without explicit derivation); Higgs coupling to Standard Model particles, Higgs production and decay

Lernziele und Kompetenzen:

Learning goals and competences:


  • explain and analyze advanced experimental topics of particle and astroparticle physics as outlined in the table of contents

  • apply the associated physical concepts to specific problems using appropriate methods


May be applied to specialisation ’Astrophysics and astroparticle physics’ in the physics master program starting winter term 2018/19.


Advanced experimental physics: Particle and astroparticle physics (Prüfungsnummer: 69411)

(englischer Titel: Advanced experimental physics: Particle and astroparticle physics)

Prüfungsleistung, Klausur, Dauer (in Minuten): 120, benotet, 10 ECTS
Anteil an der Berechnung der Modulnote: 100.0 %
Prüfungssprache: Englisch

Erstablegung: SS 2020, 1. Wdh.: SS 2020 (nur für Wiederholer)
1. Prüfer: Christopher van Eldik
Termin: 28.07.2020, 10:00 Uhr, Ort: HG, HH
Termin: 19.07.2021, 10:20 Uhr, Ort: SRTL (307), Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, Erlangen

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