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 Außerdem im UnivIS
Vorlesungs- und Modulverzeichnis nach Studiengängen






Molecular nanoscience (MSM-nano)30 ECTS
(englische Bezeichnung: Molecular nanoscience)

Modulverantwortliche/r: Andreas Hirsch
Lehrende: Andreas Hirsch, Dirk Guldi, Rainer Fink, Gonzalo Abellan Saez, Rik Tykwinski, Julien Bachmann, Franziska Gröhn, Max von Delius, Assistenten, Hubertus Marbach

Startsemester: WS 2015/2016Dauer: 2 SemesterTurnus: halbjährlich (WS+SS)
Präsenzzeit: 450 Std.Eigenstudium: 450 Std.Sprache: Englisch


Empfohlene Voraussetzungen:

Admission to the M. Sc. program Molecular Science or Chemistry


A1: Concepts in supramolecular chemistry; host-guest chemistry; energetics of supramolecular complexes: experimental methods; templates and self-assembly. Molecular devices. Supramolecular catalysis: principles of supramolecular catalysis, supramolecular metal catalysis, self-assembled catalysts, metal-free catalysis, enzyme mimics, antibodies, imprinted polymers.

A2: Synthesis of n-dimensional nano-materials. Systematic approaches towards nano-particles of defined size and structure are the basis to prepare materials with taylor-made electronic, optical or catalytic properties. The interplay between nano-particles, nano-rods, nano-wires, 2- and 3-dimentional materials are highlighted.

A3: Nanoscaled systems, general issues of microscopic techniques; experimental techniques with nanometer resolution: STM/AFM and 8 related scanning probes; light microscopy, confocal microscopy; electron microscopy (SEM, TEM, FEM/FIM, LEEM, PEEM), x-ray microscopy and synchrotron radiation.

A4: Specific topics in synthesis and analysis of specific molecule-based nanoscale objects

A5: focused topics in fundamental and applied research on nanoscale materials – available topics, see website http://www.chemie.uni-erlangen.de/dcp/studium/studiengaenge/molecular-science/regularien-formulare/laufzettel/→Laufzettel-Praktikum

Lernziele und Kompetenzen:

The students are able

  • to explain the fundamental chemical and physical properties of nano-scale materials

  • to distinguish and to compare some properties, structure and applications of different nanomaterials

  • to describe and to evaluate the major concepts in supramolecular chemistry

  • to explain the general issues of selected microscopic techniques and to evaluate their applications to different materials

  • to prepare and to characterize nano-sized samples (thin films, nano-tubes, molecular materials, nanoparticles) using selected experimental methods and techniques (includes experiment planning and data evaluation)

  • to interpret and to critically summarize measurements results in written (lab report in paper-style format) and partly oral form

  • to get used to perform research-related experiments within a smaller team.


Manuscripts for most lectures available online
check respective information and docket (“Laufzettel”) on the Molecular Science web page


Courses of study for which the module is acceptable: M.Sc. Molecular Nanoscience


Intended stage in the degree course: Mandatory module for Molecular Nanoscience, semester 1. and 2.
Frequency of offer: Annually/start of studies is available in summer and winter term Courses “I” in winter term, courses “II” in summer term
A5: LAB Course upon individual appointments with respective contact persons
B1–B3: winter term
B4/B5: summer term

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls / Einpassung in den Musterstudienplan:
Das Modul ist im Kontext der folgenden Studienfächer/Vertiefungsrichtungen verwendbar:

  1. Molecular Science (Master of Science)
    (Po-Vers. 2013 | Pflichtmodul Molecular Science)


Molecular Nanoscience (Prüfungsnummer: 30701)

(englischer Titel: Molecular Nanoscience)

Prüfungsleistung, mündliche Prüfung, Dauer (in Minuten): 45, benotet
Anteil an der Berechnung der Modulnote: 100.0 %
weitere Erläuterungen:
Assessment and examinations: Portfolio: PL: Oral examination (45 min, 3 examiners); LAB (SL, AP)
Calculation of the grade for the module: 100% from oral examination

Erstablegung: SS 2016, 1. Wdh.: WS 2016/2017
1. Prüfer: Andreas Hirsch
1. Prüfer: Rik Tykwinski
1. Prüfer: Dirk Guldi
1. Prüfer: Franziska Gröhn
1. Prüfer: Rainer Fink
1. Prüfer: Julien Bachmann

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