Informationssystem der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg © Config eG 

Lehrstuhl für Katalytische Grenzflächenforschung (Prof. Dr. Libuda)

Anleitung zum selbständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten

Jörg Libuda
Anleitung zu wiss. Arbeiten, 40 SWS, nur Fachstudium

Interdisciplinary graduate course: catalysis and interface science & technology (part 1) [Graduate course 1 ICICP/ECRC]

Jörg Libuda, Andreas Görling, Martin Hartmann, Dozenten der beteiligten Fachgebiete
Vorlesung, 2 SWS, nur Fachstudium, Organisation Prof. J. Libuda, Prof. A. Görling, Prof. M. Hartmann; weitere Informationen: Homepage ICICP/ECRC
Mi, 15:30 - 17:00, 0.113-12
Mi, 16:00 - 18:00, H2 Egerlandstr.3
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Audience: assistants, PhD students, Diploma students, interested advanced students
Requirements: basic knowledge of surface science and fundamental methods
Contact: Prof. J. Libuda, Prof. A. Görling, Prof. M. Hartmann Further information: Website ECRC (http://www.ecrc.fau.de/) and Website ICICP (http://www.izicp.uni-erlangen.de/)
This interdisciplinary course aims at graduate students to enhance their knowledge of fundamental techniques used in surface science and the results obtained with these methods. This includes both experimental and theoretical methods. The lecture should bring together students from different disciplines, all focusing on surface science in general. The course will extend over both the winter and the summer term. Contents could be the subject of PhD exams.

Interface & Catalysis LAB [IntCat-LAB]

Jörg Libuda, Julien Bachmann, Bernd Meyer, Christian Papp
Praktikum, 7 SWS, ECTS: 5, nur Fachstudium, Please register on https://www.studon.fau.de/crs4211909_join.html
time and place by agreement
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WPF C-MA 1-2
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
  • 10 working days in lab, data analysis and written report
  • Practical introduction to state-of-the-art research in the fields of surface science, interface science, heterogeneous catalysis, and electrocatalysis.

  • Guided work on a current research project in a research group of your choice.

  • Research topics may cover spectroscopy at surfaces, microscopy at surfaces, in-situ or operando spectroscopy, characterization of catalytic materials, in-situ methods in electrocatalysis, preparation and characterization of nanomaterials, modelling and simulation of interfaces and nanomaterials or similar.

  • Documentation of experimental results in form of a written report.

  • Please approach one of the research groups at the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy which is active in the field of interface science, interface controlled materials, heterogeneous catalysis and electrocatalysis, nanomaterials characterization, or modelling and simulation of processes at interfaces. Time and place by appointment.

  • Understanding how to get familiar with the current state-of-knowledge for a specific research topic.
  • Application of fundamental knowledge of physical chemistry to a specific research topic.

  • Understanding and testing model-like descriptions for complex physicochemical problems.

  • Operation of complex state-of-the-art instrumentation.

  • Getting in contact with development of new methodologies to answer open questions in interface science and catalysis.

  • Learning how to analyze data with state-of-the-art methodologies.

  • Learning how to record, document, and analyze research data in in appropriate form.

  • Learning how to present and discuss experimental results and develop interpretations.

  • Learning how to present own results in written form and scientific style English language.

Molecular Nanoscience - Lab [Nano-Lab]

Rainer Fink, Andreas Hirsch, Julien Bachmann
Praktikum, 7 SWS, nur Fachstudium, Registration via StudOn!
Time and place by agreement
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
PF MS-MA 1-2

Physical Chemistry [CM-PC-WS]

Jörg Libuda
Vorlesung mit Übung, 3 SWS
Di, 13:15 - 14:45, 15:00 - 15:45, H2 Egerlandstr.3
Präsenzveranstaltung und Online-Streaming
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WPF C-MA 1-2

Research Module - Molecular Nanoscience [Nano-R-Lab]

Rainer Fink, Julien Bachmann, Henry Dube, Franziska Gröhn, Bernd Meyer, Karl Mandel, Dirk Zahn, u. a. Hochschullehrer
Praktikum, 23 SWS, ECTS: 15, nur Fachstudium, research project in a working group of the student's choice, pls contact the supervisor directly; includes 2 SWS seminar in working group
Time and place by agreement
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:

Research Module - Physical Chemistry [PC-R-Lab]

Hans-Peter Steinrück, Dirk M. Guldi, Dozenten der Physikalischen Chemie
Praktikum, 23 SWS, ECTS: 15, nur Fachstudium, research project in a working group of the student's choice, pls contact the supervisor directly; includes 2 SWS seminar in working group
Time and place by agreement
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Erfolgreicher Abschluss des Pflichtmoduls CM3-PC (Physikalische Chemie) / Successfully passed mandatory module CM3-PC (Physical chemistry)

Seminar des ECRC zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen

Jörg Libuda, Martin Hartmann
Hauptseminar, 2 SWS
Mi, 13:00 - 14:30, 0.113-12

Seminar für Mitarbeiter (AK Libuda)

Jörg Libuda
Hauptseminar, 2 SWS, nur Fachstudium
Mi, 14:30 - 15:30, 0.113-12

Symmetry and Group Theory - Applications in Chemistry, Physics and Material Sciences [CE-SGT/ME-SGT]

Jörg Libuda
Vorlesung mit Übung, 3 SWS, nur Fachstudium, Registration via StudOn! Seminar: time and place by agreement
Di, 16:15 - 18:30, H2 Egerlandstr.3
Präsenzveranstaltung und Online-Streaming
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF C-MA 1-4
WF MS-MA 1-4
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Hörerkreis: Studenten der Naturwissenschaften (Chemie, Molecular Science, Physik), bevorzugt geeignet für Studierende im Hauptstudium/Masterstudium, Diplomanden und Doktoranden
  • 0. Introduction, Outline and Literature
  • 1. Symmetry of Molecules (symmetry elements, operations, point groups, notations)

  • 2. Symmetry of Crystals, Surfaces and Interfaces (symmetry in 1, 2 and 3 dimensional periodic strutures, lattices, crystal classes, space groups)

  • 3. Compact Course Group Theory (elements group theory, definitions, reducible and irreducible representations, orthogonality theorem, character tables)

  • 4. Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics (representations, operators and symmetry, matrix elements, direct product functions, projection operators)

  • 5. Symmetry of Organic Molecules: From Electronic Structure to Reactivity (symmetry adaption, cyclic groups, many electron systems, electronic transitions, configuration interaction, symmetry controlled reactions

  • 6. Symmetry in Anorganic Chemistry: From Atoms to Complexes (MO models, transition metal complexes, direct product groups, rotation inversion group, angular momentum coupling, crystal field splitting, vibronically allowed transitions)

  • 7: Symmetry and Spectroscopy: Vibrational Spectroscopies (analysis of vibrational modes, normal coordinate analysis, symmetry of vibrational wave functions, vibrational spectroscopy, selection rules)

  • 8: Symmetry in Crystal Physics: Tensor Description of Physical Properties (tensors, axial, polar, representations, transformation properties, intrinsic symmetry, Neumann's principle, Curie's principle)

  • 9: Symmetry and Electronic Structure of Solids: Band Structures (translation group and irreps, reciprocal lattice, k-space, Bloch functions, Brillouin zones, symmetry of bands)

Seminar Symmetry and Group Theory - Applications in Chemistry, Physics and Material Sciences [CE-SGT/ME-SGT]

Jörg Libuda, Assistenten
Seminar, 1 SWS, nur Fachstudium, Registration via StudOn!
Termin nach Vereinbarung, Präsenzveranstaltung und Online-Streaming
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF C-MA 1-4
WF MS-MA 1-4

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