Integrated Lifes Sciences- Biology, Biomathematics and Biophysics (Master of Science)
Pflichtveranstaltungen der Modulgruppen MG1 - MG3
ILS-MA-I1A BioImaging & Biophysics: Laboratory Course [ILS-MA-I1 UE]
UE; 4 SWS; ECTS: 5; Mandatory Module of Module Group 2; Mo, 14:15 - 18:00, Raum n.V.
Dietrich, P.
Feigenspan, A.
Kost, B.
Sandoghdar, V.
Stadler, R.
Winkler, Th.
ILS-MA-I1A BioImaging & Biophysics: Lecture [ILS-MA-I1A V]
VORL; 2 SWS; ECTS: 2,5; Klausur am Montag 06.02.2023, Mandatory Module of Module Group 2; Mo, 10:15 - 12:00, 00.581
Dietrich, P.
Feigenspan, A.
Kost, B.
Sandoghdar, V.
Stadler, R.
Winkler, Th.