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Vorlesungs- und Modulverzeichnis nach Studiengängen






  Writing tutoring: Theory and Practice (SZENGHAFWTT)

Shira Richman

2 SWS, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits: 2,5
Sprachkurs für Hörer aller Fakultäten, Sprache Englisch, NICHT über Oktis anmeldbar!
Zeit und Ort: Blockveranstaltung 29.4.2019-17.6.2019 Mo 12:15 - 13:45, SZ 00.213 (Bismarckstr. 10) (außer Mo 10.6.2019); Einzeltermine am 3.6.2019 14:15 - 15:45, SZ 00.213 (Bismarckstr. 10); 7.6.2019 9:00 - 18:00, C 202
ab 29.4.2019

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
English Level Recommended: C1-C2

This course will focus on theories and practices of teaching writing, specifically in one-on-one settings. In addition to reading and discussing academic articles on topics related to tutoring and writing pedagogy, we will learn to: structure and guide a tutoring session, assess a piece of writing’s strengths and weaknesses, give writers feedback on their work, understand and support various writing types throughout different stages of the writing process in a host of text genres. We will also learn and apply an array of writing and tutoring techniques. Successful completion of the course will include: participating in the class discussions and activities, observing writing consultations of current writing tutors, being observed while conducting writing consultations, receiving feedback on one’s own writing, and submitting a final reflective paper.

The course is designed for those who are interested in: becoming more aware of the writing process; teaching writing; tutoring writing; and/or preparing for work in collaborative, writing-intensive roles. Those who successfully complete the course will be qualified to apply for one of the limited positions as a writing tutor for the FAU Writing Centre.

Credits: 2,5

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 15, Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 15

Institution: Abteilung Englisch für Hörer/innen aller Fakultäten (Eng-HaF)
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